
Patients & Caregivers


Patient Toolkit

The Daily Symptoms Tracker can help you keep track of your symptoms and record any changes to discuss with your doctor. 

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Patient support groups

International and local patient organisations can help you learn more about living with Fabry disease and connect with others sharing a similar experience.

Fabry International Network
Fabry Disease News

Links to our channels

To find out more about Chiesi GRD, please visit our website or follow us on social media.



  1. Ortiz 2018 416-427
  2. fabrydiseasenews.com-What Is Fabry Disease
  3. fabrydiseasenews.com-Fabry Disease and the Heart


Chiesi on the web

Patients & Caregivers: In case of need to report an adverse drug reaction, please refer to your physician, asking him to fill in and submit the relevant case report to the concerned Health Authority, according to the Pharmacovigilance requirements in force in your Country. Nevertheless, please be kindly reminded that each patient can report any such cases directly to the national reporting system.


Healthcare Professionals: in case you want to report an adverse drug reaction you become aware of, please report it to your Health Authority according to the requirements set by the pharmacovigilance legislation.

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